Suze H

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Friday, 10 May 2013

Peyote stitch rings and woven chevron bracelets

I've been trying to come up with new ideas for my stock - items that are quite quick and inexpensive to make so that I can have some ready for my summer sales.  So, I made a couple of peyote rings with different size seed beads.

This was the first one I made with size 6 seed beads.  I then sewed on a filigree and glued on a small rhinestone (I got a pack of 120 of these in 3 colours and sizes for £1 from Poundland - not bad!)  The ring was a bit too big for me, so this is being sent on to my Mum - I always like to get her opinion on new stuff I make too.

 So, I started one for me in size 11 beads, which gave a narrower ring.  This is the ring before I sewed on the filigree.

And this is the finished article - I'm really liking it and they're really comfortable to wear, so I'll be making quite a few more in different colours to sell.

 I've also been working an a woven chevron bracelet which I'm wearing all the time at the moment, so I think these will also be added to the summer stock.

These look pretty intricate but they're so simple to make once you get the hang of the pattern.  The tricky thing is to keep your tension quite tight, so the thread doesn't show between your beads. 
I made this one for myself and although I don't wear all that much blue, I love the way this dark blue and bronze work.


I also have quite a few knitting projects in progress too, but I can't seem to find my knitting mojo at the moment.  I think I should probably park myself on the sofa with some great films and a big cup of tea and try to crack on with them.  Could be a plan for the next bank holiday....