Suze H

Follow Me on Pinterest

Monday, 17 June 2013


It's been ages since I've even looked at my blog, so thought I'd better add something before June comes and goes. 

I've recently found a new obsession on the internet and that's Pinterest, so that's been taking me away from doing many of those things I should be doing - like actually making stuff to put on my blog.  I've been aware of Pinterest for ages but have only just got round to joining up and now I'm hooked.  There are so many amazing things that I want to make!

It has reiterated to me though something that I think about every time I blog about a piece of jewellery that I've made......I really should do some tutorials.  The reason I don't is that I find it quite hard to explain stuff, I lack some confidence in my own abilities and I'm quite lazy (doing a good tutorial with pictures can take a while and I don't think my camera is good enough to do a video).  However, I promise that I will make a tutorial in the near future.  I will probably do one on this very simple and summery necklace:

 It's one of my faves right now, so I need to make another one soon, so a perfect excuse to give my 'teaching' skills a go.

In the meantime, if you want to try out a tutorial for a pretty bead statement bracelet, I recommend this one:

Well, back to Pinterest for me - happy crafting!