Suze H

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Sunday, 27 April 2014

Jewellery making

I've had a bit of a surge on jewellery projects recently and have managed to complete a few projects that have been hanging around for a while.

The red necklaces was a little kit giving to me about a year ago.  It's a very simple idea.  You wire wrap 5 beads into the oval shapes, attach them all with jump rings and attach a chain.

I loved how complicated this looked, but how amazingly simple this was to make.  I simply put a small (25mm) ball end pin through each coloured chip bead, rolled the pin downwards to make a spiral/ coil, threaded them all onto some necklace memory wire, added a chain and finito!
This photo is on its side, but you get the idea.  I may make some of these for the shop as the store owner was impressed with the simplicity and thinks they will sell.

This cute bracelet is an idea from The Beaderie and you can even buy a complete kit from there online and make one of your own.

The green bracelet was from another kit I was given a couple of years ago.  It's not really my thing, so it will probably end up as a gift.

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Geometric necklace

I've been looking into making a few different things for the shop, especially now the sun is coming out, bringing with it tourists and the need for more sparkle and bold jewellery statements!

I've been wanting to make a geometric necklace for some time, so a couple of days ago, I finally pulled my finger out and got round to it.  This isn't my original design.  I first saw something like this on YouTube and thought it was fab, so wanted to try my own.

The first one I made was a large version, which I wore out on Monday evening to meet my bestie, Lady Char-Char, for sushi.  I rely on her honest opinions about my jewellery and she loved it.  In fact so did a couple of other people, so I ended up giving out 2 business cards just for wearing that creation - hoorah!

I then trialled a smaller version, as I'm aware that not everyone will want to wear such a bold piece.  I think I will make a couple of each for the shop and see how they do.  Hope to have them on display in the next 3-4 weeks.

Sadly, my camera never shows up the colours and textures of the pieces that well.

Have a good day, y'all!

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Game of Chores

If you're anything like me, you have a list of chores a mile long.  You seem to constantly add to this list, but cross off very few.  Well, enough is enough!  I decided to get a lot more organised and to stop procrastinating (love that word - sounds so rude, but the folks never tell me off for using it!)  So, I went from room to room, making a list of all the chores that I had to do.  I rewrote each chore on a scrap of paper and divided them into pots.  There are 4 pots, labelled as follows:
1-3 hours
1/2 day
All day

Pretty self-explanatory, really.  So, if I have a whole day at home, then I will pick a chore out of that pot.  If I only have a couple of hours, I open the 1-3 hour pot.  I have to dip into the ongoing pot once a week and work on 3 hours of that particular job over that week.  Chances are I'll often get a job I really don't want to do (as those are the ones I always put off) but tough titty!  I've pulled it out, so do it I must. 

This may sound a bit of a long-winded way of doing those jobs you always put off, but I like the fact it's now a bit of a game and I have to confess I'm getting through those chores now!  Chores range from, cleaning windows, to sorting out wardrobe and chucking clothes that don't fit or I don't wear anymore to doing some mending, to fixing something, attaching a new clasp to a bracelet or making a new piece of jewellery for the shop, or finishing off a cardigan I was knitting, etc.......

I still have about 68 chores to do - yikes!!!!

P.S.  I have regained some of my mojo since the last post, so I will show off my creative side again soon.