Suze H

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Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Game of Chores

If you're anything like me, you have a list of chores a mile long.  You seem to constantly add to this list, but cross off very few.  Well, enough is enough!  I decided to get a lot more organised and to stop procrastinating (love that word - sounds so rude, but the folks never tell me off for using it!)  So, I went from room to room, making a list of all the chores that I had to do.  I rewrote each chore on a scrap of paper and divided them into pots.  There are 4 pots, labelled as follows:
1-3 hours
1/2 day
All day

Pretty self-explanatory, really.  So, if I have a whole day at home, then I will pick a chore out of that pot.  If I only have a couple of hours, I open the 1-3 hour pot.  I have to dip into the ongoing pot once a week and work on 3 hours of that particular job over that week.  Chances are I'll often get a job I really don't want to do (as those are the ones I always put off) but tough titty!  I've pulled it out, so do it I must. 

This may sound a bit of a long-winded way of doing those jobs you always put off, but I like the fact it's now a bit of a game and I have to confess I'm getting through those chores now!  Chores range from, cleaning windows, to sorting out wardrobe and chucking clothes that don't fit or I don't wear anymore to doing some mending, to fixing something, attaching a new clasp to a bracelet or making a new piece of jewellery for the shop, or finishing off a cardigan I was knitting, etc.......

I still have about 68 chores to do - yikes!!!!

P.S.  I have regained some of my mojo since the last post, so I will show off my creative side again soon.

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